Lukas Magnusson Projects


Ever-changing Caves

A roguelike game made in C with gunslinger. Made it to improve at low level programming and graphics programming.

Itch Github

| C | Gunslinger | OpenGL | Emscripten | Game Design | Art |


Unfinished terraria-like game made in C with gunslinger.
Procedually generated world with dynamic lighting.

| C | Gunslinger | OpenGL | Game Design | Art |


A roguelike game made in Godot for a 72h spread out over a week long gamejam.
You play as a duck on a quest to rescue your farmer.

Itch Github

| Godot | Game Design |

Missing Soul

Game made in Godot in 3 days for a gamejam. Created all code, art, music and sound effects myself within 3 days.
Explore a cave in search for your soul. Find permanent upgrades in chests.


| Godot | Game Design | Music | Sfx |


Game made in Godot for a 3h gamejam. Every time you shoot the bazooka spawns a new magic gun. All magic guns gets fired when you shoot so you have to careful not to shoot yourself. Everything was created in 3h (breaks was allowed and planning time wasn't counted)


| Godot | Game Design |

Hungry Fire

Mobile game created in Godot in a week. When you tap the fire charges towards the nearest torch in range. The goal is to get as high up as possible. You also lose fire over time so you have to eat tourches to stay alive. Three purble torches in a row will give a speed boost.

Itch Google Play

| Godot | Game Design |

Falling Sand Engine

Simple falling sand engine made in Godot with C#


| Godot | C# |

Voxel Generation

A Voxel terrain generator used to learn C++ and OpenGL.


| C++ | OpenGL |